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12 Articles
Gov Policy Updates

법무부, 농어촌 계절근로 제도 개선 발표

법무부는 2024년 2월 25일, 봄철 농번기를 대비해 농어촌 계절근로자 제도 개선 방안을 발표했습니다. 이번 대책에는 유학생(D-2) 부모의 계절근로 초청 확대, 지자체 간 업무협약(MOU)...

Gov Policy Updates

법무부, 지역특화 숙련기능인력 비자 전환제도 신설

법무부는 2월 20일 ‘2025년 지역특화형 비자 운영계획’을 발표하며, 인구감소지역 및 인구감소관심지역에서 체류 중인 외국인 숙련기능인력의 비자 전환 제도를 신설했다고 밝혔다. 이번 제도에 따르면,...

Work & Immigration News

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Teachers, Nurses, and Child-Care Workers Have Had Enough

What’s made Amazon shoppers fall in love with Tozos? Superior audio quality, of course, courtesy of 6-millimeter speaker drivers that produce powerful, crystal-clear...


Winners of the 2022 Nature Conservancy Photo Contest

What’s made Amazon shoppers fall in love with Tozos? Superior audio quality, of course, courtesy of 6-millimeter speaker drivers that produce powerful, crystal-clear...


How to make your life routine more fun and eco-friendly

What’s made Amazon shoppers fall in love with Tozos? Superior audio quality, of course, courtesy of 6-millimeter speaker drivers that produce powerful, crystal-clear...


The Unorthodox Solution to the World’s Migration Woes

What’s made Amazon shoppers fall in love with Tozos? Superior audio quality, of course, courtesy of 6-millimeter speaker drivers that produce powerful, crystal-clear...


How To Season 3: When Expectations Don’t Meet Reality

What’s made Amazon shoppers fall in love with Tozos? Superior audio quality, of course, courtesy of 6-millimeter speaker drivers that produce powerful, crystal-clear...